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The Conspiracy "Theory" Conspiracy

A Documentary Film by Adam Green

Hundreds of news clips, declassified documents, and evidence demonstrating the establishment media's propaganda campaign against conspiracy theories and the truth.

When did the term 'conspiracy theory' become an automatic excuse for dismissal? The feature-length documentary The Conspiracy "Theory" Conspiracy provides an in-depth examination of this phenomenon, particularly as it is propagated by the media elite.

"The mainstream media's agenda is clear," instructs the narrator during the film's opening minutes. "They want you to believe that conspiracies don't exist, the world is exactly like they say it is, and anyone who disagrees is to be marginalized, mocked and shamed."
As presented in the film, some conspiracy theories are admittedly rooted in wild and grandiose fantasy, but many others are serious societal considerations which have stemmed from those who have dared to question the official accounts given to us by figures of power and authority. For their efforts, these decenters are far too often labeled as part of the lunatic fringe, and the mainstream media dismisses their concerns as the nonsensical ramblings of a conspiracy theorist.
The film argues that the origins of the conspiracy theory are far from looney; in fact, these theories have often served as an essential function of an informed and invested people. The Conspiracy "Theory" Conspiracy contends that is our responsibility as citizens to question, especially when those in power have the motivation and the influence to provide a false narrative.
The mainstream media's villainization of many of those who dare to question official accounts is illustrated through a rapid fire succession of hundreds of media clips from the likes of every major news network, including the 24-hour cycles of Fox News, CNN and MSNBC. The film also features illuminating soundbites and insights from cultural figures who have long stood unafraid of speaking truth to power, including everyone from comic legend George Carlin to Albert Einstein to popular radio personality Alex Jones.
Energetically assembled by director Adam Green, The Conspiracy "Theory" Conspiracy heralds scrutiny as a healthy exercise. The dawning of the internet age has brought forth a new generation of rabidly curious and skeptical conspiracy watchdogs, and it is in their pursuits that crucial seeds of truth may come to light that would have otherwise remained obscured.

Adam Green Film Exposes Media’s Attempts to Stop You From Thinking for Yourself

On August 15, 2015 the documentary filmmaker, researcher and journalist Adam Green published a documentary film “The Conspiracy ‘Theory’ Conspiracy.” The film is centered on demonstrating the media’s propaganda campaign against conspiracy theories and what it refers to as “the truth”.
The film begins with a series of predominantly mainstream news clips demonstrating how conspiracy theories are becoming profoundly popular and creating conspiracy theory mania. The film talks about how the bulk of the mainstream coverage concerning conspiracy theories is predominantly negative, incredibly biased and void of logical objective analysis.
Green’s fairly hard-hitting message is that the conspiracy theory term is the establishment’s most effective method to dismiss legitimate inquiries and ultimately conceal the truth. Green proceeds to relay legal conspiracy theory definitions but says that the media has hijacked the term and deliberately implies that it is negative and untrue, dismissing them as ridiculous, baseless fantasies.
The amalgamation of conspiracy theory clips Green peppers the documentary with is climaxed with talk of Alex Jones, who Green refers to as “the King of Conspiracy Theories.” The controversial radio talk show host and outspoken conspiracy theorist features heavily throughout the documentary with Green constantly sharing clips of Jones attempting to convince viewers about the so-called truth and the media’s attempt to stop people from thinking for themselves.

Video Key Moments

The documentary proceeds with clips of speakers, experts and news stories, collectively stating there is “no evidence” about “non-existing” conspiracy theories.
Toward the end, there is a clip dating back to 2006 when the President and Vice-President agreed to meet with the 9/11 commission. The film shows the grilling George Bush received when journalists asked him why he was meeting the Commission with the Vice-President.
The film focuses on Bush’s uneasiness, and attempts to cast an element of intrigue about the 9/11 Truth movement, which suggests that the US government may have either been responsible or knowingly complicit in the 9/11 attacks.
Another memorable feature of the film is when it focuses on the Michael Reagan controversy. In 2008, Mark Dice, the American author and conspiracy theorist, who argues that the New World Order is directing global politics and human affairs, launched a campaign to send letters and DVDs to US troops in Iraq, supporting the theory that 9/11 was an inside job.
Following the Dice clip, talk show host Michael Reagan, who is the son of the former US president Ronald Reagan, protests that Dice and other similar conspiracy theorists should be shot for treason.
“When you shoot them dead, I’ll pay for the bullet”, said Reagan in a message that demonstrates the intense anger some people feel toward conspiracy theorists.
world trade center

Nothing New

The film ends by citing several quotes by leading theorists and speakers related to how society should always question and that “dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”
It concludes with the actor, Governor of Minnesota, and conspiracy theory analyst Jesse Ventura and other anti-mind control advocates advising viewers to research, read, ask questions and ultimately avoid the mainstream media.
While “The Conspiracy ‘Theory’ Conspiracy” has some poignant and thought-provoking moments, there is nothing particularly new or sensationalist about the message of the film. It runs for more than two hours and is comprised mainly of clips and analysis about popular conspiracy theories played alongside some ominous music.
By the end of Green’s documentary film, you haven’t learned of anything you didn’t know before. You’ve essentially spent more than two hours watching hundreds of news reports that have been edited together in an attempt to convince viewers that the mainstream media is preventing you from thinking for yourself – At least those are my thoughts about “The Conspiracy ‘Theory’ Conspiracy”. We would love to hear your thoughts on the video.
The Conspiracy "Theory" Conspiracy Reviewed by Unknown on 20:37 Rating: 5

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