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Coal in Kentucky

Through the voices of coal industry professionals, activists, politicians and everyday people, this documentary examines the significance of coal in Kentucky. Funded through a grant from the Kentucky Cabinet for Energy and Environment, the film is presented by the University of Kentucky’s Vis Center and Department of Mining Engineering.

The Documentary

For over two hundred and fifty years coal mining has been a part of Kentucky’s history. The goal of this project is to examine the significance of this history, what it means today and how we will move forward to responsibly mine coal while protecting the health, safety, and welfare of Kentucky’s citizens, the environment, and the economy for the future.
Many documentaries have been produced which focus mining disasters, labor disputes and health concerns. There are far fewer that have presented a balanced perspective examining both the benefits of the energy gleaned through mining as well as its impacts on the people and environment of Kentucky. This project is striving to present a balanced view of coal and mining in Kentucky.

Project Summary

The Media Research Lab within the Vis Center and the Department of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering at the University of Kentucky have received funding from the Kentucky Cabinet for Energry and Environment for a video documentary project with supporting on-line materials and educational events exploring the enduring significance of coal mining in Kentucky. The intent of this project is to present a balanced picture of coal in Kentucky.

The deliverables for this project are a one hour HD documentary, a companion website, 9 short videos and social media dissemination.

In addition to the media deliverables the project also includes a Forum on Coal in Kentucky that was held November 5, 2009 and a Premiere Event debuting the documentary to be held in 2010.

The Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments (The Vis Center)

Through research, education, and external partnerships, it is the mission of the Center to enable new visualization technologies and to advance the art of immersive visualization by addressing the scientific and engineering challenges related to visual simulations and virtual environments.

The Department of Mining Engineering

The Department of Mining Engineering at the University of Kentucky is one of only 12 ABET-accredited mining engineering programs in the nation and has the distinction of being among the oldest programs and one of the newest all at the same time. The department has grown to be one of the top U.S. mining 
engineering programs in terms of both size and quality, currently ranked number 3 in the number of students nationally.

Coal in Kentucky Reviewed by Unknown on 09:48 Rating: 5

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