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The B-2 Stealth Bomber: America's Deadliest Weapon - 2005

Take a never-before-seen look inside the world's most powerful and most deadly aircraft - The B-2 Stealth Bomber. Produced in cooperation with the 509th Bomber Wing of the United States Air Force, the B-2 Stealth Bomber gives you unprecedented, full-clearance access to this amazing flying machine. Hear from real pilots and crew members about the B-2’s harrowing missions and devastating weapons, as well as learn how the B-2’s secret aircraft design allows it to avoid detection from radar.

Witness the evolution of strategic bombing, travel to Whiteman Air Force Base to unlock the secrets of stealth technology, and discover how the B-2’s radical shape actually maintains flight. See the connection between the B-2 and a secret WWII Nazi weapon and learn how lessons learned by the 8th Air Force over Europe would influence the B-2's design strategy. Conceived of in the 1940s but impossible to fly until the 1990s, the B-2 is the only aircraft in the world which literally sweats. Prepare to lose your civilian status and enter the shadowy world of stealth.

In the history of aviation there's never been a plane more groundbreaking than the B-2 Stealth Bomber. Capable of flying anywhere in the world undetected, the B-2 can arrive over its target, release precision munitions and escape confident in the fact that the bombs will hit their targets, and that the plane will return home safely. Revolutionary in design and capability, the B-2 represents the culmination of many disciplines and sciences, from aeronautics to stealth, to bombing itself.
It also has a distinction unshared by any conventional aircraft - for the entirety of its service life the B-2 has never been detected, targeted, or engaged. The B-2 is flown exclusively by the United States Air Force and is the most sophisticated flying machine in existence.
Its creation relied on one hundred years of bombing experience, the evolution of computers, radical jumps in engineering science, new approaches to aircraft design, and a new generation of weapons called smart bombs.
Among the personalities involved were visionary american aircraft designer and an unrecognized Soviet physicist. The story of the stealth bomber begins during the first days of bombing.
The B-2 Stealth Bomber: America's Deadliest Weapon - 2005 Reviewed by Unknown on 17:29 Rating: 5

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