1932: A True History of the United States

Here is an interesting documentary about the battle between the slave-masters in the U.K. and the united States of America. It shows how the U.K. has repeatedly worked to destroy the U.S. At one point, U.K. puppets were even openly talking about burning all of the coastal US cities.
To Govern a Republic, One Must Know the Minds That Created It ...while a nation goes speculation crazy the people neglect to think of fundamental principles.
These were the words of Franklin Roosevelt in the months leading into the Democratic National Convention of 1932.
Roosevelt knew that the fight for the United States Presidency was not simply a game of political machines and punditry, but that this coming fight demanded a leader who understood the historic enemy of the United States and the founding principles of the nation.
1932: A True History of the United States
Reviewed by Unknown

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