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Princess and the Playboy

1997 - An investigation into the scandal that threatens the Bhutto family in Pakistan. Allegations that Benazir Bhutto and her husband (currently 1997) in prison accused of conspiring to murder his own brother-in-law) have plundered nearly a billion pounds from the country.


Najam Sethi was (caretaker) Prime Minister’s Adviser on Political Affairs and Accountability as a member of the ISI-installed caretaker government in 1996 after Farooq Leghari dismissed Benazir Bhutto’s second government.

During 1990s, he (consistent with the agendas of Pakistan military establishment) was part of a systematic campaign to nationally and interntaionally discredit Benazir Bhutto and Pakistan Peoples Party.

In one of his columns in the notorious Friday Times, Sethi wrote about Benazir Bhutto: It is really quite simple. The prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, is leading this country to constitutional chaos and administrative mayhem. The President, Farooq Leghari, must stop her from doing so. (Source)

Sethi’s columns and opinions were widely reported in the international media (BBC, New York Times etc) to highlight alleged corruption of Benazir Bhutto and Asif Zardari.

For example, this quote from the NYT: The officials have said that Ms. Bhutto and Mr. Zardari took pains to avoid creating a documentary record of their role in hundreds of deals. How this was done was explained by Najam Sethi, a former Bhutto loyalist who became the editor of Pakistan’s most popular [really?] political weekly, Friday Times, then was drafted to help oversee a corruption inquiry undertaken by the caretaker Government that ruled for three months after Ms. Bhutto’s dismissal in 1996. Mr. Sethi said Ms. Bhutto and Mr. Zardari adopted a system under which they assigned favors by writing orders on yellow Post-It notes and attaching them to official files. After the deals were completed, Mr. Sethi said, the notes were removed, destroying all trace of involvement. Source: HOUSE OF GRAFT: Tracing the Bhutto Millions — A special report.; Bhutto Clan Leaves Trail of Corruption By JOHN F. BURNS Published: January 09, 1998[the_ad id="1207"]98/01/09/wor...

Because of his international links with media and intelligence agencies, Sethi was tasked by Pakistan’s military establishment to recruit BBC and other media houses to defame Benazir Bhutto and the PPP. Here’s what Najam Sethi said to BBC’s Jane Corbin in a 1996 documentary (Princess and the Playboy) on the alleged corruption of Benazir Bhutto and Asif Zardari. The idea of the BBC documentary was allegedly masterminded by the ISI while the BBC producers were lured through Najam Sethi’s good contacts in the international media and foreign intelligence agencies.
Princess and the Playboy Reviewed by Uncle Sam on 07:07 Rating: 5

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